Games: 6
Cities: 6
Parks: 6
Teams: 12
Runs: 53
Hits: 110
Errors: 13
Left on Base: 90
Innings played: 54-1/3
At-Bats: 411
Home Runs: 8
Doubles: 16
Triples: 1
Total Xtra Base Hits: 25
Fielder’s Choice plays: 15
Reached 1B on Error: 6
RBIs: 47
Walks: 40
Intentional Walks: 1 (Kosuke Fukudome, CHC)
Stolen Bases: 12
Hit Batters: 6
Sacrifice Hits: 2
Sacrifice Flys: 8
Put-outs: 326
Flyouts: 81
Groundouts: 115
Strikeouts: 93
Force Outs: 37
Caught Stealing: 6
Double Plays: 11 (all GIDP)
BLS (Broken Bats): 10
BBS (Broken Bat Singles): 3
Best AVG in game, 4 PA min: 3 for 3 (Ramon Hernandez, CIN)
Most RBI in game, 4 PA min: 3 (Trayvon Robinson, CHA)
Most Strikeouts in game, 4 PA min: 4 – the GOLDEN SOMBRERO! (Josh Phegley, BIR)
Most BB in game, 4 PA min: 3 (Christian Marrero, BIR)
Total Pitchers Faced: 40
Total Batters Faced: 471
Earned Runs: 44
Wild Pitches: 6
Balks: 2
Passed Balls: 0
Total Pitches: 1689
Total Strikes: 1059
Total Balls: 630
Most pitches in one 9 inning game: 313 (Mobile Bay Bears @ Chattanooga Lookouts)
Fewest pitches in one 9 inning game: 249 (New Orleans Zephyrs @ Nashville Sounds)
Worst pitch/strike ratio, 5 innings min: 1.74 (Wes Whisler, NEW (7 IP, 92-53))
Best pitch/strike ratio, 5 innings min: 1.42 (Charlie Furbush, TOL (8 IP, 98-69))
Worst pitch/strike ratio, less than 5 innings: 2.63 (Billy Wagner, ATL (1 IP, 21-8))
Best pitch/strike ratio, less than 5 innings: 1.29 (Greg Infante, BIR (1 IP, 9-7))
Most Strikeouts, 5 innings min: 9 (Chris Archer, TNS)
Most Walks, 5 innings min: 4 (Rubby DeLaRosa, CHA)
Highest ERA, 5 innings min: 12.6 (Tommy Hanson, ATL (5IP, 7ER))
Lowest ERA, 5 innings min: 1.13 (Chris Volstad, FLA (8IP, ER))
Game balls: 5 (Mark 3 (CHA, TNS, ATL); Stevo 2 (CHA, TNS))
Hot dogs from hot dog cannon caught: 0
(nobody had a hot dog cannon in use)
Autographs: 4 (Mark 1 (Carlos Subero on game ball); Stevo 3 (Carlos Subero on game ball, Ty’relle Harris and Brett Jackson on scoresheet)
Walk-off Wild Pitch: 1 (Jeff Sues, BIR)
Left-handed First Basemen: 1 (Blake Lalli, TNS)
Brothers on opposing teams: Todd Frazier (LOU) vs. Jeff Frazier (TOL)
Total Attendance: 80,130
Highest: 30,809 (CHC @ CIN)
Lowest: 1,858 (MOB @ CHA)
Total Time of Baseball: 16 hours, 52 minutes
Longest game: 3 hours, 5 minutes (MOB @ CHA, 8.5 innings)
Shortest game: 2 hours, 31 minutes (FLA @ ATL, 9 innings)
Games played in a dome: 0
MLB games: 2
MiLB games: 4
Managers Ejected: 0
Extra-inning Games: 1 (BIR @ TNS, F/11)
Rain delays / rain outs: 0
Games with any rain whatsoever: 1 (FLA @ ATL, light rain starting at T9, finished before the half-inning’s end)
Home team wins / Home team losses: 3-3
(we were hoping for 2-4 if the CUBS could have won)
Miles traveled: 1730
Time needed to recuperate: none, both of us back to work Monday morning
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
BIL Tour: 8/29/10 Chicago Cubs 5, Cincinnati Reds 7
Great American Ball Park, Cincinnai, OH
Still hard to believe after living in this area for so long that this was my first ever trip to Great American Ball Park. Is there any better way to herald this event than with the final trip of the tour AND with the Cubs in town?
A "W" would have been nice!
CHC 5 14 2
CIN 7 14 0
Ounce for ounce, one of the most exciting games of the trip. The Reds would score, the Cubs would come back. Travis Wood didn't have his 'good stuff' today, we got lucky there.
One of my greatest moments as a Cubs fan was Fukudome's 2-run homer in the 8th to tie the game. I was never as proud as I was when I stood up amongst the Reds fans in our section and cheered voraciously. Even better that I did this at GABP, in the nest of the Reds fans. Boo-YAAA!!
Even still great, despite his subsequent throwing error that didn't lose the game for us (that was Sean Marshall's RBI single to Hernandez) but that certainly seemed to seal the deal just the same.
2 humorous game notes:
While standing in line to buy a scorecard and pencil, the vendor didn't have change to break a 20. I turned around, frustrated, and asked Mark to spot me a buck so I could pick one up, a handful of singles in his hand. He said 'sure,' handed me one; I made my purchase and walked away...only to find Mark standing 20 paces away from the vendor booth, asking me who that guy was that I was changing money with. Turns out a complete stranger spotted me a buck, not Mark, and by the time I turned around he was gone.
A few Reds fans were sitting next to us, I in my Fukudome jersey, Cubs cap, and handy green clipboard with scoresheets, camera, and BB. In the 2nd inning, this guy on my left turns to me and asks, profoundly, as I'm totalling pitches, "Are you a scout for the Cubs?" My response: "No, I'm an evil spy for the Reds!" ...I guess it was the clipboard.
Approaching GABP from the 'mall'

Mark and I in our seats, near the field (that' not a "3" it's a "W")

Grandstand before the game...don't let the Red seats fool you, there are LOTS of Cub fans here today!

Starlin Castro gets on base

Fukudome in RF, we sat right in front of many of his plays

Casey Coleman delivers, Xavier Nady springs to make the play

Fukudome on 1st base

Sam LeCure

Sean Marshall warms up, he is TOO tall at this distance

Adios, Mark! Let's do this again sometime!!!

Official Scorecard

Souvenir Program (with Johnny Gomes poster!!!)
Still hard to believe after living in this area for so long that this was my first ever trip to Great American Ball Park. Is there any better way to herald this event than with the final trip of the tour AND with the Cubs in town?
A "W" would have been nice!
CHC 5 14 2
CIN 7 14 0
Ounce for ounce, one of the most exciting games of the trip. The Reds would score, the Cubs would come back. Travis Wood didn't have his 'good stuff' today, we got lucky there.
One of my greatest moments as a Cubs fan was Fukudome's 2-run homer in the 8th to tie the game. I was never as proud as I was when I stood up amongst the Reds fans in our section and cheered voraciously. Even better that I did this at GABP, in the nest of the Reds fans. Boo-YAAA!!
Even still great, despite his subsequent throwing error that didn't lose the game for us (that was Sean Marshall's RBI single to Hernandez) but that certainly seemed to seal the deal just the same.
2 humorous game notes:
While standing in line to buy a scorecard and pencil, the vendor didn't have change to break a 20. I turned around, frustrated, and asked Mark to spot me a buck so I could pick one up, a handful of singles in his hand. He said 'sure,' handed me one; I made my purchase and walked away...only to find Mark standing 20 paces away from the vendor booth, asking me who that guy was that I was changing money with. Turns out a complete stranger spotted me a buck, not Mark, and by the time I turned around he was gone.
A few Reds fans were sitting next to us, I in my Fukudome jersey, Cubs cap, and handy green clipboard with scoresheets, camera, and BB. In the 2nd inning, this guy on my left turns to me and asks, profoundly, as I'm totalling pitches, "Are you a scout for the Cubs?" My response: "No, I'm an evil spy for the Reds!" ...I guess it was the clipboard.
Approaching GABP from the 'mall'

Mark and I in our seats, near the field (that' not a "3" it's a "W")

Grandstand before the game...don't let the Red seats fool you, there are LOTS of Cub fans here today!

Starlin Castro gets on base

Fukudome in RF, we sat right in front of many of his plays

Casey Coleman delivers, Xavier Nady springs to make the play

Fukudome on 1st base

Sam LeCure

Sean Marshall warms up, he is TOO tall at this distance

Adios, Mark! Let's do this again sometime!!!

Official Scorecard

Souvenir Program (with Johnny Gomes poster!!!)

BIL Tour: 8/28/10 Toledo Mud Hens 8, Louisville Bats 3
Louisville Slugger Field, Louisville, KY
A hot, sunny day with $2 craft beers on the Overlook Deck and a nearly packed house resulted in quite a bit of electricity to start the game. Unfortunately, the Bats were primarily silent against the Mud Hens, who started the 9th with a lead and threw in an 'insurance rally' just for yucks. Reineke didn't have his best stuff on the mound, Herrerra bought his worst, and somebody named Charlie Furbush didn't dazzle for the Mud Hens (4 K, 10 flyouts, 11 groundouts) but kept the Bats offense to a whisper, indeed.
TOL 8 13 0
LOU 3 7 0
Todd Frazier did well (2 for 3), Yonder Alonso went 1-for-4 with a 2B, Devon Mesoraco 1-for-4 with a 2-RBI double. Todd's brother Jeff was hitless for the Mud Hens and local Louisville boy Sean Roof had a great night, 3-for-4, RBI Sac Fly plus n RBI single.
We started the day with a visit to one of my favorite places, the Louisville Slugger Factory and Museum, just a few blocks away from the ball field. Here, Mark and I are standing next to the "big bat" in front of the case you were wondering this is the popular Babe Ruth model.

Mark chose Mickey Mantle...

Ted Williams loved his bat, I love my Blackberry

Moving on to the ball field, we are in front of the famous Pee Wee Reese statue (traditional meeting place for most Bats fans)
Official Scorecard and BatChat

A hot, sunny day with $2 craft beers on the Overlook Deck and a nearly packed house resulted in quite a bit of electricity to start the game. Unfortunately, the Bats were primarily silent against the Mud Hens, who started the 9th with a lead and threw in an 'insurance rally' just for yucks. Reineke didn't have his best stuff on the mound, Herrerra bought his worst, and somebody named Charlie Furbush didn't dazzle for the Mud Hens (4 K, 10 flyouts, 11 groundouts) but kept the Bats offense to a whisper, indeed.
TOL 8 13 0
LOU 3 7 0
Todd Frazier did well (2 for 3), Yonder Alonso went 1-for-4 with a 2B, Devon Mesoraco 1-for-4 with a 2-RBI double. Todd's brother Jeff was hitless for the Mud Hens and local Louisville boy Sean Roof had a great night, 3-for-4, RBI Sac Fly plus n RBI single.
We started the day with a visit to one of my favorite places, the Louisville Slugger Factory and Museum, just a few blocks away from the ball field. Here, Mark and I are standing next to the "big bat" in front of the case you were wondering this is the popular Babe Ruth model.
Inside the museum, we embraced the opportunity to pose with famous game used bats, here I am holding a bat used by Johnny Bench...

Mark chose Mickey Mantle...
Ted Williams loved his bat, I love my Blackberry
Moving on to the ball field, we are in front of the famous Pee Wee Reese statue (traditional meeting place for most Bats fans)
Official Scorecard and BatChat

Saturday, August 28, 2010
BIL Tour: 8/27/10 Florida Marlins 7, Atlanta Braves 1
Turner Field, Atlanta, GA
The 4th game of our tour (and first Major League game) ended quite differently than anticipated. Surely, the NL East division leaders with Tommy Hanson can take the ill-begotten Florida Fish in a contest on their home turf, where they statistically dominate?
Not tonight. There were so many times when I felt like I was watching a Cubs game, especially the creepy big first baseman, I've seen him somewhere before.
FLA 7 10 1
ATL 1 6 2
Marlins starter Chris Volstad didn't really dazzle...3K, no BB, 1ER in 8 innings, 11 flyouts, 10 groundouts. It was Tommy Hanson's game to lose, giving up back-to-back homers to the first 2 batters in the first inning, then doing the same thing again to start the 6th. He needs to share the blame with his teammates, who pulled some nice 2010 Cubs-esque lack-of-run-support antics. The Braves' improvement on this practice was only leaving 6 on base for the entire game. Also, it was nice to see the Braves fans at home giving most of those HR balls back to the field...who needs 'em?
The Offical Scorer originally ruled Hanley Ramirez' single in the 3rd as a double, no error charged. Sometime during the 7th inning, the ruling was 'magically' revised to reflect the error charged to Hinske. I ruled it a single and 2 errors to Hinske, the play was THAT BAD. One error for each base earned by Ramirez.
A light and steady rain started in the top of the 9th and didn't last long enough to finish the inning. Mark snagged a flipped ball during BP, I didn't. I hunted high and low all over Turner Field looking for a pencil with the Braves logo. I collect one thing from each ballpark I visit and Turner Field doesn't believe in these, I guess.
When we arrived in Atlanta, we stopped here for a beer. There were no other taverns in the area.

Homer doesn't like my Royals George Brett shirt...

Inside Turner Field

Mark catches a ball! Yeah!!!

BIL in effect!!! All of us are Brothers-in-law: Mike, John, Stevo and Mark in our GREAT seats (thanks again, Mike!!)

This is Derrek Lee, 1st baseman for the...Atlanta Braves

Tommy Hanson delivers to Chad Tracy (he was a Cub very briefly)

Brian McCann at bat, Lee on deck...speaking of George Brett, on the day I decide to wear this shirt, guess who's calling balls and strikes? Yes, that is none other than Tim McClelland!
The 4th game of our tour (and first Major League game) ended quite differently than anticipated. Surely, the NL East division leaders with Tommy Hanson can take the ill-begotten Florida Fish in a contest on their home turf, where they statistically dominate?
Not tonight. There were so many times when I felt like I was watching a Cubs game, especially the creepy big first baseman, I've seen him somewhere before.
FLA 7 10 1
ATL 1 6 2
Marlins starter Chris Volstad didn't really dazzle...3K, no BB, 1ER in 8 innings, 11 flyouts, 10 groundouts. It was Tommy Hanson's game to lose, giving up back-to-back homers to the first 2 batters in the first inning, then doing the same thing again to start the 6th. He needs to share the blame with his teammates, who pulled some nice 2010 Cubs-esque lack-of-run-support antics. The Braves' improvement on this practice was only leaving 6 on base for the entire game. Also, it was nice to see the Braves fans at home giving most of those HR balls back to the field...who needs 'em?
The Offical Scorer originally ruled Hanley Ramirez' single in the 3rd as a double, no error charged. Sometime during the 7th inning, the ruling was 'magically' revised to reflect the error charged to Hinske. I ruled it a single and 2 errors to Hinske, the play was THAT BAD. One error for each base earned by Ramirez.
A light and steady rain started in the top of the 9th and didn't last long enough to finish the inning. Mark snagged a flipped ball during BP, I didn't. I hunted high and low all over Turner Field looking for a pencil with the Braves logo. I collect one thing from each ballpark I visit and Turner Field doesn't believe in these, I guess.
When we arrived in Atlanta, we stopped here for a beer. There were no other taverns in the area.
Turner Field, from the green lot. We played catch out here.

Homer doesn't like my Royals George Brett shirt...

Inside Turner Field

Mark catches a ball! Yeah!!!

BIL in effect!!! All of us are Brothers-in-law: Mike, John, Stevo and Mark in our GREAT seats (thanks again, Mike!!)

This is Derrek Lee, 1st baseman for the...Atlanta Braves

Tommy Hanson delivers to Chad Tracy (he was a Cub very briefly)

Brian McCann at bat, Lee on deck...speaking of George Brett, on the day I decide to wear this shirt, guess who's calling balls and strikes? Yes, that is none other than Tim McClelland!
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