First, it was Jake Peavy...probably my favorite pitcher of 'modern times' turning the Cubs down but saying 'yeah' to the pale hose late this summer.
Now, my favorite 'utility player' in the AL (I would use 'the best' but I'm kinda biased) is leaving KC to join the Sox in exchange for Chris Getz and Josh Fields. ARRRGH!

Now, I shouldn't be selfish. I'm already plotting a visit to U.S. Cellular Field next summer to see Peavy play, now I can see Teahen as well. It works out for me, but NO this isn't going to convert me. My great sadness goes to the Royals fans, Teahen was the kind of player that made you proud to be a baseball fan - his ability and attitude are true 100% attributes to his being a member of that team. Losing him feels like losing a face of the Royals that for many (including me) is literally "etched in stone." Cubs fans will feel the same way, in some respects, when Reed Johnson gets picked up by someone else (and you know he WILL).
Better yet for the White Sox - he'll either shine in that lineup or he'll be bounced down and I'll get to see him (again!) when the Charlotte Knights play the Bats.
My final statement: just like Peavy - he would have been AWESOME in a Cubs uniform!!